Наш сайт использует файлы cookies. Что такое cookies и как мы их используем Вы можете ознакомиться тут. Продолжая использовать domonet.ua без изменения настроек браузера Вы соглашаетесь с тем что, файлыcookie будут храниться на вашем устройстве.
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01.10.2021 00:08
Cookies are small files, containing a certain amount of data, that our website can send to your browser.
Cookies can be stored on your computer’s hard drive and can be accessed through our web server. They allow us to customize our site in the most convenient way for your use. It is important to note that cookies do not collect personal data stored on a hard drive or a computer.
Determine when you visited our website;
Analyze how you use our site, which helps us to eliminate any problems and keep track of our own efficiency.
We use cookies on our website for various reasons. Most of all, we want our site to be as informative as possible, and cookies help us to achieve this goal.
The cookies we use do not store personal information and cannot harm your computer.
By using our site, you agree to the use of cookies and other technologies listed in this policy. If you do not agree to this, please refrain from using the site.
Listed as follows are various types of cookies that we use on our website: Strictly Necessary Cookies, Performance Cookies, Functional Cookies and Targeting Cookies.
Strictly Necessary Cookies: cookies that allow us to use our site and provide you with the ability to see a version of the site that has a wide range of data that corresponds with the connection you use. These cookies ensure switching from http to https when needed. In addition, cookies of this type save your decision to use cookies on our website.
Performance Cookies: cookies used to provide us with statistical information about the performance of our website (for example, to track visits and / or traffic sources).
Functional Cookies: cookies that enable the website to remember your choices and provide you with advanced features. This category may include third party cookies.
Targeting Cookies: cookies that are set to display targeted ads based on your interests on our website or to manage advertising. These files collect information about your activities on our site and other sites in order to provide you with targeted advertising.
You can always choose whether you want to accept cookies in your browser.
Different browsers have different controls available. Typically, your browser will allow you to constantly accept, decline or delete cookies, as well as those provided by website owners, such as third-party cookies.
More information on how to block or delete cookies can be found at: https://www.aboutcookies.org/how-to-delete-cookies/
If you block cookies on our site, you may not be able to access certain areas of the site and / or certain functions and pages will not work properly.
We may update this policy from time to time.
If we make significant changes, we will notify you, but check this policy regularly to make sure that you are up to date.
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** Доступ до перегляду запропонованого Абоненту Провайдером Контенту здійснюється за допомогою Контент-партнера Omega ТМ (ТОВ "Омега ТВ") через Додатковий сервіс на умовах Публічного договору оферти https://domonet.ua/uk/contract . Під Контентом мається за увазі аудіовізуальні твори (фільми, серіали, анімаційні твори, тощо), що зберігаються та/або показ яких забезпечується через сервер Контент-партнера.
** Приведення Провайдером програмного додатку на обладнанні у стан, який надає Абонентові доступ до Сервісу.
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